May 31, 2023Liked by Jim Kroft

Love your words - and once again, right what I needed to hear as I'm struggling with self-doubt with regard to my freelancing. thank you for that x

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Keep in there!

My freelancing life took years to build up.

My attitude was always - take the work, regardless of pay, give you best, post it, grow your network.

It's important to know your worth. But you need to stay active too. Keep in there! x

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jim Kroft

i act in a similar way - only the posting/getting myself out there beside applications for tasks and jobs is something i'm still working on. i do struggle with some imposter syndrome at the moment, but i suppose that's normal to a certain degree - i only delved into this *full time* in the beginning of april, so while i've been in the business, i haven't depended on it entirely until two months ago. but i'll get there. it's looking to go into a good direction and it is what i really want to do so i'll just keep going down this path!

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“The master has failed more times than the beginner has tried“

Just keep going! x

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jim Kroft

So beautiful

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Means so much to read this Ana, thank you!

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